Frontiers in Neuroscience-Revealing the Dysfunction of Schematic Facial-Expression Processing in Schizophrenia A Comparative Study of Different References
王茜等(癫痫中心)-Frontiers in Neuroscience-Revealing the Dysfunction of Schematic Facial-Expression Processing in Schizophrenia A Comparative Study of Different References(IF 3.566).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 王茜等(...
Scientific Reports-Allergy reduces the risk of meningioma a meta-analysis
王鹏斐等(神外6)-Scientific Reports-Allergy reduces the risk of meningioma a meta-analysis(IF 4.259).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 王鹏斐等(神外6)-Scientific Reports-Allergy reduces the risk of meningioma a meta-...
Oncotarget-Preoperative inflammation markers and IDH mutation status predict glioblastoma patient survival
王鹏斐等(神外6)-Oncotarget-Preoperative inflammation markers and IDH mutation status predict glioblastoma patient survival(IF 5.168).pdf 王鹏斐等(神外6)-Oncotarget-Preoperative inflammation markers and IDH mutation st...
Front Pharmacol-Immune-Related Adverse Events Associated with Anti-PD-1PD-L1 Treatment for Malignancies A Meta-Analysis
王鹏斐等(神外6)-Front Pharmacol-Immune-Related Adverse Events Associated with Anti-PD-1PD-L1 Treatment for Malignancies A Meta-Analysis(IF 4.4).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 王鹏斐等(神外6)-Front Pharmacol-Immun...
neuropsychiatry-Evaluating the Prognosis of Surgical Treatment in Atypical Temporal Lobe Epilepsy-A Study Based on Ictal Onset Patterns and Extratemporal Early Propagations
王梦阳等(神内)-neuropsychiatry-Evaluating the Prognosis of Surgical Treatment in Atypical Temporal Lobe Epilepsy-A Study Based on Ictal Onset Patterns and Extratemporal Early Propagations (IF 4.778).(论文详情,请下载附件...
Neuroimage Clin-Identification of the epileptogenic zone
王梦阳等(神内)-Neuroimage Clin-Identification of the epileptogenic zone (IF 4.348).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 王梦阳等(神内)-Neuroimage Clin-Identification of the epileptogenic zone (IF 4.348).pdf...
New J. Chem-Tuning of synthesis conditions by thermal decomposition towards gadolinium-doped manganese carbonate nanoparticles with uniform size and high relaxivity
汪艇舰等(神外6)-New J. Chem-Tuning of synthesis conditions by thermal decomposition towards gadolinium-doped manganese carbonate nanoparticles with uniform size and high relaxivity(IF 3.269).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 汪...
neuropsychiatry-Overexpression of Adenosine Kinase in Patients with Epilepsy Associated With Sturge-Weber Syndrome
栾国明、王雄飞等(神外1)-neuropsychiatry-Overexpression of Adenosine Kinase in Patients with Epilepsy Associated With Sturge-Weber Syndrome(IF 4.778).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 栾国明、王雄飞等(神外1)-...
Oncotarget-Differential expression of folate receptor 1 in medulloblastoma and the correlation with clinicopathological characters and target therapeutic potential
刘海龙等(神外2)-Oncotarget-Differential expression of folate receptor 1 in medulloblastoma and the correlation with clinicopathological characters and target therapeutic potential(IF 5.168).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 刘...
Mol Cancer Res-MELK and EZH2 Cooperate to Regulate Medulloblastoma Cancer Stem-like Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
刘海龙等(神外2)-Mol Cancer Res-MELK and EZH2 Cooperate to Regulate Medulloblastoma Cancer Stem-like Cell Proliferation and Differentiation(IF 4.974).(论文详情,请下载附件)。 刘海龙等(神外2)-Mol Cancer Res-M...